Scientific work is one of the National Aviation Academy (NAA)-undertaken main activities. The purpose of scientific work at the NAA is to train specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in accordance with the requirements of modern aerospace science and technology. This allows to effectively using the educational, research and innovation potential of the NAA as a single system.

The main tasks of the scientific activities undertaken by the NAA are stated below:

  • Acquisition of new knowledge, formation and development of scientific schools and leading research groups in the most important areas of science and technology;
  • Ensuring the unity of education and scientific process based on the achievements of scientific and technical progress and training of highly qualified specialists and scientific as well as pedagogical staff;
  • Protection and strengthening of the basic, defining essence of science intended to develop higher education;
  • Creation of competitive samples of high-tech science-intensive products and new equipment and materials;
  • Development of innovative activity of the Academy;
  • Creating conditions necessary to protect intellectual property and copyright of the Academy;
  • Expansion of international scientific and technical cooperation with educational institutions and companies of foreign countries to integrate into the world science and education system;
  • Creation of a qualitatively new experience and production base at the Academy;
  • Formation of financial bases to for research and development using extra-budgetary funds and innovation activities;
  • Conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in priority areas of science;
  • Research and development of theoretical and methodological bases intended to establish and develop the system of continuing education;
  • Using the latest scientific achievements and technologies in teaching;
  • Improving the quality of training of scientific and pedagogical staff based on the use of the most important results of scientific research in the educational process, more active involvement of bachelors, Masters’ and Doctoral students in the implementation of research work at the Academy;
  • Development of scientific research as a basis intended for the training of highly qualified specialists in the aerospace and other activities;
  • Access to international science and education projects and innovative research programs;
  • Implementation of relevant and practically important research projects, improving their quality and efficiency;
  • Preparation and publication of scientific, educational and methodical literature, manuals, analytical and other materials;
  • Practical acquaintance of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral students with the formation and solution of scientific problems as well as involvement of the most talented students in the implementation of scientific research;
  • Active participation of the Academy in state targeted programs, research, innovation programs and competitions, grants announced by the Ministry of Education, other ministries and departments, the Science Development Fund, as well as foreign countries;
  • Development of scientific cooperation with research organizations and institutions (including foreign) to jointly solve applied problems;
  • Ensuring the connection of scientific and educational processes, support and development of student science;

The solution of the mentioned issues is carried out by the Academy through fundamental, applied research, experimental-design, project work, as well as innovative activity.

Research and innovation activities are funded from various levels of the budget, as well as extra-budgetary funds.

Extra-budgetary funds to finance scientific and innovative activities are stated below:

  • Funds received by the NAA from enterprises, organizations and institutions to implement research and development under economic contracts;
  • Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as other funds;
  • Special grants from international funds and organizations;
  • Extra-budgetary funds of the Academy and other legal sources through additional educational services.

The stated below are involved in the Academy-conducted research activities:

  • Teaching staff pursuant to individual work plans;
  • Scientific, engineering and technical staff, specialists and employees of the NAA scientific departments;
  • Course works, graduation works, other research works provided for in the curricula of students, in the NAA Student Creativity House, and other student scientific creativity laboratories, as well as in departments, research departments, Scientific Research Institute under the Academy;
  • Pursuant to the plans for the scientific, methodological and scientific and technical development of the NAA, this work is carried out by researchers from the NAA Research Institute, the faculty of the NAA departments with the involvement of graduate and doctoral students (dissertators) / at extra charge during off-study (off-duty) hours./

The main directions of Scientific Research conducted in the NAA:

  • Operation of ground complexes, launch equipment, aircraft and their systems
  • Operation of air transport
  • Solid State Electronics, Radio Electron Components, Micro and Nanoelectronics
  • Remote Aerospace Research
  • Radio Engineering, Radio Navigation, Radar, Television Systems and Devices
  • System Analysis, Management And Information Processing (by fields)
  • Devices and methods to control the natural environment, substances, materials and products
  • Transportation Process Management
  • Navigation and Air Traffic Control
  • Field economy
  • Constitutional Law, Municipal Law
  • Civil Law: Business Law; Family Law; Private International Law