ED 2.01 Dissertation Council (in technical sciences)

Pursuant to Order of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No . 3-50/3-1-1-39/2023 dated March 23, 2023, a Dissertation Council (registration number ED 2.01) was established at the National Avaiation Academy to defend dissertations for the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" and "Doctor of Sciences" in the technical sciences.


  1. 3324.04 - Operation of ground systems, launch equipment, aircraft and their systems
  2. 3325.02 - Radio engineering, radio navigation, radar and television systems and devices
  3. 3352.01 - Air Transport Operation
  4. 3361.01 - Solid state electronics, radio electronic components, micro- and nanoelectronics


Chairman of the Dissertation Council (ED 2.01) – a full member of ANAS, Doctor of Physicsl and Mathematics, Professor Pashayev Arif Mir Jalaoglu,

Deputy Chairman - Corresponding Member of ANAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Hasanov Afig Rashid oglu,

Scientific Secretary- Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor Safarov Surkhay Hasan oglu.

The Dissertation Council was approved with 24 members.

The Dissertation Council term expires on 01.11.2025.

ED 2.45 Dissertation Council (in the Law)

Pursuant to Order of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. F-220 dated September 24, 2021, a Dissertation Council (registration number ED 2.45) was established at the National Aviation Academy to defend dissertations for the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" and "Doctor of Sciences" in the Law.


  1. 5607.01 - Constitutional Law; Municipal Law
  2. 5611.01 – Cinayət hüququ və kriminologiya; cəza-icra hüququ
  3. 5612.01 – Cinayət prosesi, kriminalistika və məhkəmə ekspertizası; əməliyyat-axtarış fəaliyyəti


Chairman of the Dissertation Council (ED 2.45) –Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Rustamzade Ayhan Khankishi oglu,

Deputy Chairman - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Jener Adver,

Scientific Secretary – Ph.D. in Law, Huseynov Sahil Zahir oglu.

The Dissertation Council term expires on 24.09.2024.

 Thesis works:
