The activity of the NAA Student Scientific Society is regulated in accordance with the "Regulations on the Student Scientific Society".

The “Regulations on the Student Scientific Society” of the National Aviation Academy (NAA) of Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) CJSC

Approved at the meeting No. 124 of the National Aviation Academy dated “27” November 2014.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Student Scientific Society (SSS) is a Voluntary Public Organization of students studying at the Bachelor's and Master's levels of higher education, actively involved in Scientific Research and Scientific-Organizational Work.

1.2. The SSS reports to the National Aviation Academy (NAA) as well as to the NAA Scientific Council.

1.3. In its activities, the SSS is guided by relevant normative legal acts in the science and education, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education", "Regulations on the Organization of Scientific Research of Students in Higher Education", the NAA Charter.

2. Goals and objectives of the Student Scientific Society (SSS)

2.1. The main purpose of the Student Scientific Society is to implement scientific and organizational measures aimed at improving the quality of training of higher education specialists, maintaining scientific and technical potential and assisting higher education institutions in adapting scientific research activities to new socio-economic conditions.

2.2. The tasks of the Student Scientific Society are stated below:

2.2.1. Involvement of students in scientific research activities and organization of these activities;

2.2.2. Promotion of various forms of scientific creativity among students due to the principle of unity of science, education and practice, assistance in increasing the interest of young people in these forms and fundamental research;

2.2.3. To motivate students to research activities and study of scientific methods, as well as to assist in deep and creative mastering of teaching materials;

2.2.4. Formation of students’ creative attitude to the chosen profession using research activities;

2.2.5. Teaching students methods and tools intended for independent solution of scientific, technical and economic issues;

2.2.6. Purposeful involvement of talented youth in scientific research and scientific-organizational work, mastering high technologies;

2.2.7. Selection of promising young people for the system of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff training and preparation for their research activities;

2.2.8. Implementation of cooperation with Student Scientific Societies of other higher education institutions, application of advanced modern forms and methods on organization of student scientific research work to Students' Scientific Research Work (SSRW);

2.2.9. Events of various levels - scientific seminars and conferences, competitions for student scientific works, as well as courses, graduations, dissertations, Olympiads in various specialties and disciplines, discussion clubs, symposiums, seminars and lectures of famous scientists, etc. ensuring the participation of students in the organization and holding of events;

2.2.10. Preparation of students' scientific research works for publication;

2.2.11. Assisting students in engaging in innovative activities in order to develop innovative business and entrepreneurial skills;

2.2.12. Involvement of students in work (including paid) in scientific centres, techno parks, idea incubators and other institutions;

2.2.13. Organization of collection, dissemination and posting of information on in-school and out-of-university scientific events on the higher education institution website.

3. The structure of the Student Scientific Society

3.1. The structure of the Student Scientific Society, membership rules and the principle of formation of separate structural units, specific conditions of activity are determined in accordance with the "Regulations on the Organization of Scientific Research of Students in Higher Education", as well as the NAA Charter.

3.2. The Student Scientific Society (SSS) includes: - student scientific associations operating at the department; - The SSS faculty units.

3.3 In order to communicate and coordinate the students and young scientists-undertaken scientific activities, creative associations can be organized at the National Aviation Academy.

4. Organization of the work of the Student Scientific Society (SSS)

4.1. The Supreme Body of the NAA Student Scientific Society (SSS) is the SSS conference. Establishment and reorganization of the Student Scientific Society is carried out pursuant to the decision of the SSS conference. The activity of the Student Scientific Society in the inter-conference period is supervised by the SSS Council elected at the conference.

4.2. The SSS Conference is convened once a year in accordance with the work plan of the Student Scientific Society. The SSS Conference is considered valid if more than half of the members of the Student Scientific Society participate in the work of the Conference. The Conference may be convened IAW the decision of the Council of the Student Scientific Society or 50% of the members of the Student Scientific Society.

4.3. Decisions of the Conference of the Student Scientific Society are made by secret or open voting by a majority of votes of the Participants.

4.4. Adoption of the NAA Student Scientific Society Statute, making amendments and additions to the Regulations, election of members of the SSS Board, approval of the action plan and programs of the SSS belong to the exclusive rights of the Student Scientific Society Conference.

4.5. The Council of the Student Scientific Society is a permanent collegial body to manage the SSS and perform elective functions. The SSS Council is elected for 1 year term; it includes 11-21 people and organizes the tasks facing the NAA and covering the organization of students research work; it monitors the progress of all work achieved within its competence, as well as plans and coordinates the SSS-undertaken work.

4.6. Young people and teachers active in education, scientific research and scientific-organizational work, are elected to the SSS Council.

4.7. The SSS Council Chairman is elected from among its members at the first meeting of the Council and directs the SSS activities of the higher education institution until the next conference. The SSS Council Chairman is included in the Scientific Council of the higher education institution.

The Chairman of the SSS (Student Scientific Society) Council organizes the implementation of the decisions taken by the SSS Council and supervises them, reports to the NAA Scientific Council of the Student Scientific Society-undertaken activities in the current academic year, as well as represents the Student Scientific Society in other institutions without a power of attorney.

4.9. The SSS Council may submit a petition to the Rector to encourage students achieved high results in scientific research at the end of the academic year.

4.10. TEC-in fəaliyyəti MAA-nın illik tədbirlər planı və özünün iş planı əsasında həyata keçirilir.

4.11. Course and graduation works that meet the requirements of the curriculum and research work, or student research work (article, report, and thesis) performed outside the classroom pursuant to SSS Work Plan can be submitted to various competitions and conferences.

4.12. According to the order of the NAA Scientific Council, the scientific activity of the Student Scientific Society and its structural units is coordinated by the Scientific Head of the Student Scientific Society selected from among the teaching staff and appointed by the order of the Rector.

4.13. Teachers and researchers who are the scientific supervisors or advisors of students are involved in the activities of the Student Scientific Society.

4.14. The activities of the Student Scientific Society members are carried out in the structural units of the SSS established at the departments and faculties under the guidance of the Scientific Adviser elected from the teaching staff.

4.15. The results of the Student Scientific Society are analyzed annually at the SSS Conference and discussed at the meeting of the NAA Scientific Council.

4.16. The Chairman and Scientific Head of the SSS Council are responsible for the timely and high-level implementation of the issues facing the Student Scientific Society.

5. Rules of Membership in the Student Scientific Society, Rights and Responsibilities of the Student Scientific Society Members

5.1. Students who successfully complete the curriculum and are actively involved in research can become Members of the Student Scientific Society.

5.2. Admission of new members to the Student Scientific Society is carried out by the Council of the Student Scientific Society based on the opinion of a teacher (head of the scientific circle or association of young scientists) supervising the students scientific work.

5.3. The rights of the members of the Student Scientific Society are as follows; – To participate in SSS-held all events; – Participate in the formation of the SSS bodies, the work of conferences; – To express opinions and suggestions on the activities of the Student Scientific Society and its structural units; – To obtain information on the SSS-conducted activities; – To elect and be elected to the SSS Council; – To participate in local and international grant programs; – To terminate the SSS membership at its his/her own request.

5.4. The Responsibilities of the Members of the Student Scientific Society are as follows:

– To comply with the requirements of the NAA Charter and the "Regulations on the Organization of Scientific Research of Students in Higher Education";

– To participate in the SSS-held activities and events;

– To implement the decisions made by the SSS Governing Bodies;

– To increase the NAA prestige.

6. Interaction of the Student Scientific Society with other NAA Structural Divisions

6.1. The NAA Student Scientific Society:

6.1.1. Receives information from the Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council on the date of submission of documents to be discussed at the Scientific Council-held meeting;

6.1.2. receives information on the scientific events to be held at the National Aviation Academy and other organizations from the Teaching-Methodical Department and the Analytical Department for Scientific-Research Works, methodical instructions and instructions on conducting scientific events and clerical work; submits the annual thematic plan of the SSS-undertaken scientific works and events to the Analytical Department for Scientific-Research Works, as well as a report on the results of the measures taken;

6.1.3. Submits to the Accounting Department the annual thematic action plan of the Student Scientific Society and the corresponding cost estimate, which requires financial expenses;

6.1.4. receives information on scientific-information programs from the Analytical Department for Scientific-Research Works; provides information on the SSS participation in scientific events and competitions held by other organizations.

6.1.5. Informs the Student Council about the SSS Work Plan; participates in joint public actions on Science and Education;

6.1.6. Receives proposals from scientific councils and deans of the Faculty on participation in Scientific Research programs, plans of scientific events and decisions on the Student Scientific Society (SSS) activity; submits to these structures the SSS Action Plan, the list of students nominated for the award, the report on The Scientific Work of the SSS members of the Faculty;

 6.1.7. Receives proposals from the department and scientific research laboratories on the SSS participation in scientific research programs, in the formation of the plan of scientific research works; submits to these structures the work plan of student scientific circles (union of young scientists);

6.1.8. Obtains information and methodological materials from extracurricular organizations and institutions; provides information and promotional materials about its activities.

7. Financing of Activity of the Student Scientific Society and Material-Technical Base of Students Scientific Research Work

7.1. The SSS activity is financed from various budgetary and extra-budgetary sources identified pursuant to the NAA Charter.

7.2. Students participating in Scientific Research use the equipment of the NAA departments, research institute, centre and laboratories. Necessary financial expenses (equipment, energy, chemicals, materials, etc.) required for student research and design works are paid from the budget and extra-budgetary funds of the National Aviation Academy.

7.3. Control over the funds allocated for students' Research Work is exercised by the Rector's Office.

7.4. The National Aviation Academy may organize grant competitions for the implementation of Student Research projects to stimulate the scientific activity of students. Conducting and financing of the competition is regulated by the relevant rules (at the expense of internal resources of the higher education institution, funds allocated by the ministry and extra-budgetary funds).

8. Clerical work of the EC of the Student Scientific Society

8.1. The clerical activity of the Student Scientific Society includes the maintenance of documentation in accordance with the content of its work. These documents can be: relevant Normative Legal Acts, Orders and Decrees of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the NAA Rector covering Student Scientific Work, the NAA SSS Statute, Annual Work Plan and Report of the Student Scientific Society, the SSS meetings minutes, documents and materials of student scientific conferences (preparation plan, abstracts of reports, meeting minutes, published materials of the conference, etc.), the best Student Research Work, grant, other documents and photos on competitions (list of works, annotations, opinions, decisions, awards, etc.), database on the SSS members, correspondence with republican organizations as well as other higher education institutions, etc.

8.2. The clerical documents of the Student Scientific Society are kept for 10 years.

Kamaladdin Ramazanov Shirin is the Chairman of the Board of the NAA Student Scientific Society, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor.
